Can I use...

Feature suggestion list

This list shows all suggested support table features based on GitHub issues. The vote count is based on total thumbs up (👍) reactions for each issue. The list is updated every hour.

1. Add HTTP 103 Early Hints53
2. css/svg property dominant-baseline43
3. Suggestion: MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported supported types/codecs37
4. + WASM SIMD33
5. Entries for href values including `tel:1234567` and `sms:1234567`31
6. TLS ECH (Encrypted Client Hello), formerly known as ESNI (Encrypted Server Name Indication)29
7. Hyphenation Options27
8. Can I use Reporting API25
9. CSS3 module "Generated Content for Paged Media" and especially the target-counter function24
10. Show Support for JSON Modules24
11. Add WebDriver24
12. Priority hints API23
13. Add support for DNS RRs, like HTTPS and SVCB22
14. JavaScript: Tail Call Support information missing22
15. WebExtensions (browser extensions)22
16. XSLT Support table21
17. Add ES7/2016 SIMD21
18. I suggest adding statistics for Aural style sheets which contain CSS properties such as "speak....21
19. New feature: CSS Typed Object Model (CSS Typed OM)20
20. Add CSS property `caret-shape` and shorthand `caret`20
21. Add CSS Grid Layout Module Level 3 (Masonry!)19
22. border-corner-shape19
23. device-cmyk css feature19
24. External import maps18
25. Support constructible stylesheets / adoptedStyleSheets18
26. Page Lifecycle API17
27. Add CSS `field-sizing` (previously `form-sizing`)17
28. ElementInternals/form-associated custom element15
29. Support Intrinsic Size Attribute15
30. Geo URI scheme15
31. `content: leader('.');`15
32. Add ShadowRealm API14
33. SVGZ-specific support table since iOS < 4.2 doesn't support it, but does support SVG. Not su...14
34. Check browser support for displaying MJPEG files. This is a motion JPEG file format that is supporte...14
35. Add Webassembly Threads / Threaded Webassembly13
36. input-security13
37. I suggest support for TransferableObject types (of which there are several) 13
38. Add the Popover API (ex: Pop Up API aka. the `popup` attribute plus more)13
39. Async iterators / for await of13
40. Native HTML Switches13
41. Add Web Share Target API12
42. Soft hyphen: html entity &shy;12
43. Support for SVG's "shape-rendering" CSS property. 12
44. New feature request: OCSP must-staple12
45. Color Fonts including SVG-in-OT fonts12
46. Add caniuse data for Contact Picker API11
47. Page-margin boxes (@top-center, etc)11
48. Add the `<search>` element11
49. webcl?11
50. Add "outline follows border-radius"11
51. Add WebRTC insertable streams11
52. Add the Quite OK Image Format (QOI) …maybe eventually11
53. CSS Box Alignment Module Level 311
54. Add float: footnote to CSS311
55. CSS3 Speech Module Which browsers support it? See11
56. SVG viewport-fill property support10
57. Add Web Share Level 210
58. Add Report-To API (Intervention Reports)10
59. one-time-code10
60. Badging API10
61. queueMicrotask support10
62. caniuse : Constructable Stylesheet10
63. Support CSS two-value display syntax10
64. @font-face descriptors to override font metrics10
65. webM alpha transparency10
66. Progressive JPEGs start to show on pages faster, from low quality and eventually getting their 100% ...10
67. Include `baseline-shift` CSS property10
68. Track Intl.Segmenter10
69. Add CSS Custom Highlight API10
70. CSS 3 property: text-autospace and text-spacing9
71. Cookies: max-age9
72. List support for the window.fetch keepalive option9
73. Quota Management API 9
74. Add `WebOTP` to list of apis9
75. Add SVG `use` with external reference9
76. HTTP2 Server Push9
77. Add CSS animation timing function spring()9
78. SVG viewport-fill-opacity property support9
79. Add supported elliptical curves (HTTPS/TLS)9
80. input[autocomplete] (values besides on/off) 8
81. Add support for @starting-style rule8
82. Add Versatile Video Coding (VVC) … somewhen8
83. Add text-wrap: pretty8
84. User-Agent Client Hints (UA-CH)8
85. Tiff image format8
86. WebGL extensions8
87. Secure Cookie flag7
88. Feature: Origin-bound one-time codes delivered via SMS7
89. Please add "isInputPending()"7
90. Add support for Private State Tokens7
91. This regards adding support for the navigator.userAgentData7
92. Audio codec - xHE-AAC / USAC7
93. -ms-overflow-style7
94. autocorrect for input fileds7
95. Support for the frame-ancestors directive7
96. RFC7692 Compression Extensions for WebSocket7
97. New feature request: x25519 Key Exchange7
98. HTML Modules7
99. Alt-Svc header browser support info: consider adding7
100. Add `multipart/x-mixed-replace`7
101. Accelerated Shape Detection in Images6
102. Add `WebSocketStream` API6
103. Window Placement API6
104. Observable6
105. Support for MHTML6
106. Module Worker support6
107. Cannot see |ImageCapture| entry in the web interface.6
108. Add ECC certificates6
109. CSS tag {content: url()}6
110. CSS page property (for printing)6
111. Add 'require-sri-for' CSP Directive6
112. Flag storage that is not available under private mode6
113. Add System Colors item6
114. WebCrypto Key Discovery6
115. Add "HDR AVIF" image support6
116. Embedded color profiles in JPEG images.6
117. Add CSS Values and Units Module Level 4 Mathematical Expressions6
118. MediaStream Image Capture6
119. Add the `:modal` pseudo-class6
120. USDZ file format6
121. new CSS trigonometry functions6
122. add Accessibility Object Model6
123. Add `enterkeyhint` attribute ("Enter Key Hint")6
124. Add Web Share Target API Level 26
125. Geofencing API6
126. Add autocorrect, autocapitalize, autocomplete attributes6
127. Input Events Level 1 and 25
128. Add raw sockets API5
129. navigator.isProtocolHandlerRegistered and .unregisterProtocolHandler5
130. mediagroup content attribute, MediaController object, VideoTrackList, AudioTrackList objects5
131. CSS Round Display5
132. Feature: A Well-Known URL for Changing Passwords5
133. roundRect5
134. Global Privacy Control (GPC) "Sec-GPC" HTTP header5
135. JS Self-Profiling API5
136. CanIUse OpenSearch5
137. Tracking various WebAuthn features5
138. Add the `<model>` element5
139. Add supports() queries on @import5
140. Adding Khronos gITF 2.0 for 3D models5
141. webp2 support5
142. Bundled HTTP Exchanges5
143. Add font-palette-values5
144. Add Intl.DurationFormat5
145. Support individual CSP rules5
146. add window-inactive pseudo-class5
147. Popover API5
148. Add support tables for document.documentElement.clientWidth5
149. allowtransparency5
150. Input type=email with "multiple" attribute5
151. Please track the various HTTP Set-Cookie options supported by browsers5
152. audio / video autoplay attribute and play function5
153. HTTP Strict Transport Security Preload5
154. Support 'name' attribute on <details> ("Accordion pattern using name attribute on <details> elements")5
155. Add info about css user-modify and -webkit-user-modify:read-write-plaintext-only 5
156. CSS Shaders - 5
157. Add: Webassembly Garbage Collection5
158. TCP Fast-Open. Now that Linux kernels enable this by default (and web servers likely won't be ...5
159. Add IPFS (Interplanetary File System) protocol to Caniuse4
160. Support aria-hidden html property4
161. [CSS Level 4 pseudo-class] :user-error4
162. Add tracking for "Ultra HDR JPG"4
163. ::-webkit-file-upload-button4
164. webkit-calendar-picker-indicator4
165. Add Cookie Store API4
166. Add Fetch upload streaming4
167. Add Intl.DisplayNames4
168. Support SVG width/height = auto4
169. Add Media Session API Coverage Information4
170. Screen Capture4
171. Add meta "format-detection"4
172. Payment Handler API4
173. filename*=UTF-8''...4
174. Web locks4
175. Accessibility of in-browser PDF Viewer4
176. Cache-Control 4
177. File Handling API4
178. Add Local Font Access API 4
179. Add "page based counters"4
180. Support for Geometry Property (SVG 2.0) `r` in CSS4
181. New top level domains (TLD)4
182. CSS image() functional notation (e.g. for background-images etc). See 4
183. For printing support for the size:landscape option to tell the browser what page orientation we want...4
184. Support for Digital Goods API4
185. The !important css thing. It's very !important ;).4
186. Graphite font support4
187. Arithmetic coded JPEG support4
188. SVG sprites with <symbol> and <use>4
189. SameParty cookie attribute4
190. Support the W3 Web Annotation standard (W3C Recommendation)4
191. Add support for addHitRegion3
192. Add `dynamic-range` media query3
193. display: table-caption?3
194. Support for CSS3 background-repeat-x and background-repeat-y properties3
195. justify-content: space-around3
196. Web bundles3
197. getEventListeners not listed3
198. CSS multicol data is mixed with fragmentation3
199. Show ANSI escape code for console.log.3
200. Add gRPC support3
201. ECMAscript - static properties3
202. video codecs3
203. Add the HTML focusgroup attribute3
204. Add support for requestSubmit3
205. Can I Use m4a?3
206. Support information for horizontal-viewport-segments and vertical-viewport-segments3
207. Public class properties3
208. Add tracking for Explicit Resource Management (`using` and `await using`)3
209. Add "Responsive Video" aka. `media` attribute for `<source>` element in `<video>`3
210. WebP & AVIF favicons3
211. Add Invokers, currently `invoketarget` & `invokeaction`3
212. Missing feature: Clipboard API supported mimetypes3
213. Add "Window Controls Overlay"3
214. place-items shorthand for justify and align3
215. Add 'animated GIF as favicon'?3
216. Add information for the webcal and webcals protocols for subscribing to iCalendars3
217. Content-Security-Policy: script-nonce3
218. documentMode3
219. Private Click Measurement (PCM)3
220. CSS view-timeline supports3
221. Add Wide Color Gamut in 2D Canvas3
222. New browser feature: rest/spread in object literals3
223. add iframe.csp3
224. The "auto" value for the dir attribute, added in HTML5 to ease inserting text of unknown d...3
225. Add support for passwordrules input attribute3
226. Wildcard "*" support for Access-Control-Allow-Headers/Methods2
227. CSS word-break: 'auto-phrase' and 'manual'2
228. Add chrome.webrequests2
229. <semantics> element in MathML is not found in caniuse.com2
230. Add `::target-text` (from CSS Pseudo-Elements Module Level 4)2
231. UTF-8 Dingbats2
232. Add Web Neural Network (WebNN)2
233. Add Geolocation Sensor2
234. Please add more detailed WebRTC features2
235. Loading Signed Exchanges2
236. Support for hrefTranslate2
237. Add CMYK Color Space2
238. Metadata name: MobileOptimized2
239. x-webkit-speech2
240. Show which browsers have a native CSV viewer2
241. support destructuring assignment as separate es feature2
242. dns.resolve2
243. Add browser support for toggle()2
244. Add Integrated Windows Authentication2
245. Touch Icons (apple-touch-icon)2
246. Add TPG image file format2
247. Add Container Units aka. Container Relative Lengths2
248. Add Date.prototype.toTemporalInstant()2
249. "GeometryUtils" - part of the CSSOM. Provides much better position information than existi...2
250. Track adoption of DOMFrameContentLoaded event2
251. rel="ar" support2
252. `from-image` as initial value of `image-orientation`2
253. Let's add a page for box alignment2
254. Add the Javascript double asterisk power operator (**) to the list of supported features2
255. Request: nav-up, nav-down, nav-left, nav-right css3 properties2
256. Add information on context-stroke and context-fill2
257. Input type=range with "multiple" attribute2
258. What about showing support for various link attributes, like "subresource" or "dns-pr...2
259. Add support for iterator helpers2
260. Add server-timing as a trailer2
261. Support of sms: and mms: in mobile browsers is not clear2
262. track support for the media query feature -ms-high-contrast2
263. Bitmap images inside SVG files. Some browsers that support SVG, will not show embedded bitmap image...2
264. Load event support on link nodes to show when a stylesheet is finished loading. See for a discussio...2
265. WebXR Hand Input Module - Level 12
266. Metadata name: HandheldFriendly2
267. add RTSP and RTSP 2.0 (Real Time Streaming Protocol)2
268. SharedMemory/Atomics2
269. Animating SVG paths using CSS2
270. add "unicode property escapes"2
271. SSML2
272. onerror event on iframe2
273. add secure payment confirmation (W3C)2
274. EventTarget Constructor2
275. HTTP immutable responses2
276. stroke-linejoin support2
277. text-space-collapse2
278. HTTP Trailers2
279. Add HTTP_ORIGIN feature2
280. Spatial Navigation support2
281. Device-Memory Client Hint & navigator.deviceMemory JS API2
282. Drag and Drop API - ghost image with customizable opacity2
283. setTimeout and setInterval callback parameters2
284. Tooltip display on focus2
285. SVG symbols in CSS2
286. console.assert(boolean_expression)2
287. Directional focus navigation: the nav-up, nav-right, nav-down, nav-left properties2
288. Need full 3gp browser compatibility chart.Does it chrome browser supports 3gp format2
289. Can I use X3D?2
290. getFilesAndDirectories2
291. Add PNG cursor2
292. Basic Authentication: AuthName directive2
293. Add block-step-size property for CSS2
294. Video media in image contexts2
295. srcset/sizes attribute / picture element support in SVG2
296. Add auto-expand `<details>` for find-in-page and fragment navigations2
297. Storage Access API2
298. Add CSS4 Grid structural selectors2
299. Add "Scheduled Task API"2
300. Add VisualViewport.segments support data2
301. CSS touch-action level 2 values2
302. String.prototype.split() with a regex with grouping ( parentheses ).2
303. Support KV Storage build-in module2
304. add captureVisibleTab2
305. SVG image auto height2
306. add csp lv2 violation event2
307. DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)2
308. A new page for Grid track animation should be added2
309. Add support for HTTP header X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies2
310. Browser support for Running elements1
311. Add Change Array by Copy methods1
312. 32-bit HDR PNG1
313. Please add TLS certificate algorithms to caniuse1
314. Playback of videos with alpha channel1
315. Add `Notification.prototype​.showTrigger️`1
316. mediacapture-region1
317. CAA DNS record1
318. View Transitions Module Level 21
319. WebSerial1
320. nested calc() and var()1
321. viewport meta tag1
322. SVG 2: inline-size property for text1
323. Add selection.getComposedRange() feature check1
324. Please add support data for "CSS property: clip-path: inset()". Thank you!1
325. Add Gradient Interpolation Color Spaces 1
326. feature request: video/MP2T1
327. Suggestion: @font-face src OpenType collection support1
328. Web monetization1
329. prefers-reduced-transparency CSS Media Query1
330. Add `PWA file handlers`1
331. Add compatibility data for QuickTime video format1
332. Add MathML Core1
333. JavaScript statement: import: Import attributes (with syntax): with {type: 'json'} and {type:'css'} support chrome 1231
334. Add Notification Triggers1
335. Add Capture Handle1
336. Add CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 21
337. Add `target="_new"`1
338. Add `font-variant-emoji`1
339. MPNG1
340. Add `@font-feature-values`1
341. Support of webkitAudioDecodedByteCount1
342. Adding Managed Media Source1
343. Add "method of opting into following the visual order", currently `focus-order` …maybe eventually1
344. Opus: Need data for MP4 and WebM containers1
345. Sec-Ch-wow641
346. Add "Scoped Custom Element Registry" as it is now behind an experimental feature flag in Chrome1
347. Support HTJ2K1
348. TLS Encrypted Client Hello (ECH)1
349. Add optional type syntax for JavaScript …maybe eventually1
350. Content-Security-Policy: navigate-to1
351. Add Memory64 browser feature1
352. 'font-size' descriptor for '@font-face'1
353. viewport-fit1
354. X.509 Name Constraints1
355. Add WebDriver BiDi1
356. Add tech() function support (in @font-face src)1
357. Support Experimental "ES Pipe Operator (|>)"1
358. Add Payment Request API 1.11
359. Add CSS Toggles …maybe eventually1
360. Add URL.canParse()1
361. Add IndexedDB 3.01
362. Add Background Blur API1
363. Add `blocking=render`1
364. import reflection for WASM1
365. Audio format: AC-3, eac31
366. Add `new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().hour12`1
367. Add tracking for ASTC hdr profile1
368. Add variable units1
369. Add Web MIDI 2.0 …maybe eventually1
370. sec-ch-prefers headers1
371. OfflineAudioContext1
372. stroke-linecap support1
373. Missing `StorageQuota` support1
374. document type1
375. Add box-suppress1
376. string-set1
377. Internationalized Domain Name1
378. column combination1
379. SHA2 certificates1
380. event.path1
381. Add "Named function expressions"1
382. Open search autodiscovery1
383. add mouse event positions event.offsetX and event.offsetY1
384. reflected-xss missing1
385. Add XSL to caniuse1
386. Add support for CSS3 move-to property1
387. aria-labelledby1
388. DeviceOrientation and DeviceMotion events on insecure origins1
389. SHA1 certificates1
390. Add support for the HTTP header X-Download-Options1
391. add micropub1
392. support data suggestion: DOM event constructors ?1
393. [Suggestion] display: fullscreen1
394. Add High Resolution Time Level 31
395. Add css-timing 1
396. aria-current1
397. add aria-required to caniuse, if not already there1
398. Add app-region?1
399. URLSearchParams.prototype.sort1
400. Add "Controlling Font Display Per Font-Family via @font-feature-values"1
401. Please add support for supported x509 extensions for ʜᴛᴛᴘꜱ certificates1
402. Chained selectors1
403. Add Range.getBoundingClientRect browser support table1
404. Audio Output Devices API: wd1
405. Browser support for displaying the unicode block "Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols"1
406. CSS Inline Layout1
407. I suggest adding information about support for alternate HTTP methods such as PUT and PATCH.1
408. Textarea wrap attribute (off, soft, hard, virtual, physical)1
409. Web intents/Web Activities 1
410. Support for XPath 2.0 (interesting for a lot of new functions, like base-uri(), matches() etc.)1
411. <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />1
412. accesskey attribute on non-focusable elements (should cause a click element to fire1
413. MediaStream Recording (1
414. The hanging-punctuation property: Currently unsupported by any browser, but it would be nice to ...1
415. image-resolution. I've seen this as a good alternative for retina images as opposed to backgro...1
416. script tag onerror attribute1
417. Suggestion for Which browsers.versions support multiple tbody elements in a single table?1
418. create @Media Types1
419. longdesc attribute support1
420. IETF RFCs1
421. Drag and Drop API - move constraints1
422. Feature request: Token Binding Protocol1
423. add onstorage1
424. background-composite1
425. Add WebKit Tap Highlight Color (-webkit-tap-highlight-color)?1
426. Add windows-theme media query selector1
427. window.localMediaStream is not listed1
428. The xml:space attribute1
429. show support for namespacing; for example <svg: namespace 1
430. Add method1
431. browserconfig.xml support info1
432. request support for 'accept-charset'1
433. add CSS Extensions meant for renaming1
434. Add a footnote regarding HTMLAudioElement1
435. Support info for the <track> element1
436. Javascript pseudoprotocol1
437. Support for Unicode and spaces in URL1
438. Can you please add the Stack trace API that exists in V81
439. iframe disallowdocumentaccess property1
440. Add desynchronized (low latency canvas contexts)1
441. @top-left @bottom-center ? can you test for compatibility1
442. Add Support for MPEG-4 Part 2 SP/ASP1
443. x-webkit-airplay1
444. What is the browser support for the newly proposed "page-orientation" property?1
445. Add layout-instability support1
446. Information about WavPack audio format1
447. InsertKey Behaviour Overwrite/Normal Mode1
448. Add support for svg fill-rule1
449. CMAF1
450. css animation on “content:” - works on chrome, doesn't work on Safari and Firefox1
451. Adding contain-intrinsic-size (suggestion)1
452. Streams API: transferable streams1
453. performance.measureMemory()1
454. Request: IPv6 proxy functions (myIpAddressEx and friends)1
455. auto Picture-in-Picture1
456. No information about the `unselectable` HTML attribute.1
457. Add support information for font metric override descriptors1
458. bidi algorithm (for right-to-left Unicode characters)1
459. FLoC support1
460. Add `::-webkit-details-marker`1
461. Add: "color" and "background-color" CSS on <option> elements1
462. Add URL Protocol Handler Registration for PWAs1
463. requestPostAnimationFrame browser support?1
464. E4X: ECMAScript for XML1
465. Add `media` attribute for `<meta>` element (for `<meta name="theme-color">`)1
466. Add "specifying a color profile: the `@color-profile` at-rule"1
467. missing HTTP TRACE method1
468. Add entry for DTLS 1.31
469. Clean up css-touch-action1
470. Support for calc() in polygon and other shapes1
471. Support data for Unicode flag on HTML pattern attribute1
472. Report Retry-After header support1
473. HTTP Content-encoding: LZFSE1
474. IPv6 support in web browsers1
475. Suggestion: support for margin-collapse?1
476. Add: Tracking Preference Expression APIs1
477. Missing computed property names1
478. Character-based alignment in a table column using text-align1
479. [Feature Policy: sub-feature] Sandbox features1
480. window.watchMedia()1
481. Add compatibility for FormData1
482. Add H2 ORIGIN frame support1
483. Add a matrix entyre for opentype-with-cff21
484. Support for Service Worker Life Cycle Events1
485. Suggested addition: navigator.cpuClass1
486. online/offline can also be used as events and are not covered by (only boolean property is covered)1
487. date.toLocaleString support tracking plz?1
488. Please add JavaScript string functions trimStart, trimEnd, trimRight, trimLeft1
489. https mixed mode1
490. Add page for relative path in HTTP Location1
491. line-height support and the differences in rendering between webkit&trident and other engines.1
492. DownloadURL1
493. Use of es6 import statements in workers1
494. CSS3 new text-transform keywords1
495. step property of input field with type datetime-local and time1
496. please add the onsearch event1
497. supported-color-schemes & prefers-color-scheme1
498. <object>.contentWindow Support1
499. Refresh1
500. How to show support for font-variation-settings within @font-face?1
501. The event handler window.onscroll is missing1
502. baseline-middle1
503. Add "CICP in images"1